Navigating College

Navigating finances in college doesn’t have to be difficult or scary. In order to avoid the pitfalls that many individuals face when trying to manage their college expenses, it’s important to have a plan.

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Jadon Calvert
Managing Debt

Debt isn't always a bad thing. Loans and other lines of credit, such as credit cards, provide individuals and businesses with the spending power they need to accomplish their goals. Debt becomes a bad thing when you can no longer pay back what you owe.

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Jadon Calvert
Purchasing a Home

Buying a home is a big financial commitment, but it doesn't have to be stressful. Use this article as a guide to help make your home buying experience a little easier.

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Jadon Calvert
Understanding Financial Lingo

Many buzzwords get tossed around in finance, and it can be challenging to keep track of all of them. We have curated a few articles below that should assist you in deciphering some of these cryptic terms.

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Jadon Calvert
Creating a Budget

There are so many different things to keep track of when it comes to your finances. Food, gas, housing, debt, medical bills, insurance, and countless other bills pile up every month. A budget is a way for you to track better what you are spending your money on and manage how much money you are spending.

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Jadon Calvert